Federico Bambozzi, Ph.D.
MATHEMATICIAN, University of Padova
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Slides from my talks:
Slides of my HIOB talk "HAG context for analytic geometry" in Regensburg.
Slides of my talk "Sheafyness of Banach Ring Spectra" at the HMI Spring Lecture Series 2021 on "Derived Bornological and Analytic Geometry ".
Slides of my talk "Homological Bornological Algebra" at the HMI Spring Lecture Series 2021 on "Derived Bornological and Analytic Geometry ".

Links to videos of my talks:
• My talk "Sheafyness of Banach Ring Spectra" at the HMI Spring Lecture Series 2021 on "Derived Bornological and Analytic Geometry ", Video.
• My talk "Homological Bornological Algebra" at the HMI Spring Lecture Series 2021 on "Derived Bornological and Analytic Geometry ", Video.
• My talk at the "Padova school on Serre conjectures and the p-adic Langlands program", Video.

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